
TerreTouchée means touching the earth.
This is what happens if you work with clay.
Here you will find ceramic sculptures as well es applied art and paintings.
Vous allez découvrir des sculptures, des objets usuels et des peintures

Bienvenue à
Vous êtes invités à regarder l`intérieur de ce boutique et de passer chez mon galerie dans l`ancien couvent
des Ursulines.
C´est 3 minutes d`ici!
Welcome to my ART-PEEP-SHOW in Flavigny-sur-Ozerain
This showcase will direct spectators to my gallery and my shop in the ancient convent of the Ursulines.
On display in my showcase of the Art-Peep-Show are two recent objects:
“Reliquaires des langues sacrées” – “Shrines for sacred tongues”
Glazed stoneware (1240°C)
I refer to the fact that in the french village where I live there are many
relics of sacred individuals, kept in various kinds of shrines.
I started thinking about the power of speech and the healing aspects of words
and of the outlook of a shrine designed for a tongue (dehydrated!)

See the history of my ceramic art sur youtube:
L`histoire des sculptures en céramique:

Sibylle Ritter Ceramic Art 1988-2023

In my studio january 2024

https://youtu.be/sibylle ritter portrait

Welcome from Wednesday to Sunday from 14 to 18 o`clock
Bienvenue de mercredi à dimanche à de 14 heures à 18 heures.